I really liked your Voki. It was a fun way to start your presentation. In regards to your comments about the book, I couldn't agree with you more on the violation of rule six and how we need humor to survive a high-stress job. I think that the more personal relationships you build with your co-workers, there are more possibilities of lightening up a dull work environment.
I also appreciate the fact that you share the anecdote your pastor told you. Many times, we're so immersed on our current situation that we can't see the possibilities that would open up to us if we were willing to take initiative like that guy that went to work at Subway. We had a tough time last summer too when my husband was laid off and we had just purchased our first home two months earlier and suddenly, it seemed that everything was going to crumble. At first, he wanted a 'good' job but soon he realized that coming out of college, laid off with less than a year experience he was not going to get anywhere he wanted to be. When he decided to take what was there, he got a job, he is learning a lot with them and his boss has suggested him to take the leadership training with them to take a higher position. I think that when we act, a world of possibilities opens up to us. However, if we are passive, and we wait for change, it will never come.
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